Pro Fleet Care

Pro Fleet Care

Pro Fleet Care

51 Sundial Crescent, Dundas,
ON, Canada, L9H 7R6
Phone: 1 905 667 8595

Bob Lawrie and his son, Greg, started a mobile rust control business 31 years ago that has been so successful they’ve set up thirty other operators in their own franchised businesses. Pro Fleet Care operators come to the farm to spray a special blend of chemicals for corrosion prevention onto vehicles and equipment. The application penetrates into hard-to-reach seams and crevices, according to Bob. “We spray the exterior trim, including door handles, mirrors, bumper rails, window trim, and so on,” he says. “We believe rust control should protect the entire vehicle, from the undercarriage, fenders, doors, door posts, hood, and trunk all the way up to the roof line. We’ve established this total process because we know that rust is not selective.” The company’s unique product displaces moisture as it protects and seals.  It defies  gravity as it creeps in all directions on surfaces, including over tar, wax and previous rust control products that have cracked and left the vehicle exposed.  It also protects electrical wiring and components from corrosion, according to Lawrie. He points out that, in many cases, rust control treatment is only needed once a year, and the equipment owner benefits by increasing his private resale value. One client, a large Canadian Farming Operation, says using Pro Fleet Care “is like regularly changing your vehicle’s oil. It’s a small cost when you compare the extended life of equipment.” Some of Pro Fleet Care’s clients include tractor refurbishers, body shops owners, school bus operators, trucking fleets, government agencies, bus lines, farmers, construction companies, car rental agencies, and landscape companies. “When I started this mobile rust control operation 31 years ago, I thought it would make a great retirement business because I could be my own boss and work the hours I wanted to,” Bob says. “As it turns out, I’m especially happy that it lends itself to working with my son.” The investment required to become a franchise operator is in the $30,000 to $60,000 range. In addition to a turnkey equipment package, this fee guarantees a variety of benefits, including assistance in establishing a client base, two weeks of intensive training, ongoing support, and exclusive protected territories. “There are no ongoing royalties and no costly storefront is required,” Bob points out. “This type of business provides low overhead and great profit potential.” Lawrie says the company charges flat rates for various types of vehicles such as $140 for pickups and $225 and up for highway trucks. We now have ten dealers in the United States and twenty franchisees are located in Canada. The Lawrie’s can work with anyone in the U.S. or Canada. Greg or Bob can be contacted at Pro Fleet Care, 51 Sundial Crescent, Dundas, Ontario, Canada L9H 7R6 phone 905 667- 8595;;

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