National Sunflower Association

National Sunflower Association
The National Sunflower Association (NSA) is a non- profit organization dedicated to the promotion of U.S. sunflower and its products, and to the development of sunflower markets throughout the world. The association is funded and governed by U.S. sunflower growers and industry representatives. NSA is also assisted with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Foreign Agricultural Service ( for overseas market development programs.
There are four general categories of NSA activities:
* Market Development and Promotion -- The NSA investigates new markets and products and conducts aggressive promotion activities directed at the food trade and consumers in the US and around the world.
* Production Research -- The NSA coordinates research programs with universities and USDA. Limited grants are available in priority areas.
* Education -- Production and marketing information is made available to producers and industry members through The Sunflower magazine, newsletters, media releases and meetings. An annual Research Forum is held for researchers to present papers and exchange information.
* Policy Issues -- The NSA participates in legislative and policy development issues that may affect members. Issues can vary from US farm legislation to international trade.