Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. Ltd

Lewis Cattle Oiler Co. Ltd
As flies develop resistance to ear tags and as another herd is reinfested with lice during calving time, more cattlemen are recognizing the importance of providing year long treatment for effective year long control of parasites.
Spring & Summer:Face flies, horn flies, stable flies and mosquitos. All major pests that cause losses by disrupting feeding behavior and the spreading of diseases such as pink eye.
Fall:As temperatures drop flies keep warm by remaining under the coats of your cattle. Though not as visible they must still be treated. In the fall the Lewis Cattle Oiler also provides lice control.
Winter:Once all the adult lice are killed, nits (lice eggs) continue to hatch for up to 21 days. This is why you see louse reinfestations, often at calving time, after any one time louse treatment. The Lewis Cattle Oiler makes available the kind of continuous treatment that is required to kill the lice as they hatch.