Agri View

Agri View
Agri-View is Wisconsin’s leading agricultural newspaper which began in 1974 at Marshfield, Wis. and moved to Madison, Wis. in 1996 when it was purchased by Capital Newspapers. A weekly paper, Agri-View arrives in over 38,000 mailboxes each Thursday, delivering news on the state’s No. 1 industry - agriculture.
Agri-View is a production agriculture-based newspaper with sections devoted to Livestock, Dairy, Crops, and General Ag and Legislative News. Throughout the year Agri-View features special sections, including Calf Care, Nutrient Management, Dairy Herd Health, Farm Construction and Money Matters enabling Agri-View to take an in-depth approach to different aspects of the industry.
Agri-View partners with major organizations and companies to publish and insert tabloids on their behalf, including Professional Dairy Producers of Wisconsin, Kuhn North America and Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association. Agri-View also publishes the official program for Wisconsin Public Service Farm Show, as well as a daily newspaper during World Dairy Expo.